The question is not which technology I can use, but rather which technology I was part of making it. Checkout which projects I have contributed to. You might also want to take a look at the OpenSource projects I have created.
I'm offering consultation services and development of projects. You can hire me to:
- Optimize your web stack (Apache, Nginx, Varnish, HAProxy, PHP, Ruby, Python, NodeJS, ...)
- Deploy and optimize OpenSource technologies (WordPress, Magentoo, ...)
- Scale your application (decouple components, load-balance workloads, databases/files replicate, cloud-adoption)
- Automate your deployment and work flow (fabric, ansible, ...)
- Analyze your setup and your code and find bottlenecks
- Analyze your android app.
- Manage your team
- Develop for you on my own or with your team
- Familiar with Back-ends, web front-ends, and Android Projects
- Setup, deploy and develop Enterprise-grade software (LDAP, freeIPA, Mail Servers, ERP, ...)
- real-time data applications
- come up with algorithms specific to your case.